Here are some details about the Flag event tomorrow.
Coronation Gardens Playground Opening Ceremony Schedule:
Please join for some or all of the afternoon.
3.15am Arrival
3.30pm – 4pm Storyteller Session 1 by Hannah Need
4.05pm Welcome and arrival speech by Cllr Gasser
4.10pm Speech and overview of Friends of Coronation Gardens – Mario Pisani, Treasurer
4.15pm Raising of the flag and cutting of the ribbon by Cllr Gasser
4.20pm Nature walk and talk by Alice Henry (Enable)
4.30pm – 5pm Storyteller Session 2 by Hannah Need
The Friends of Coronation Garden have delivered lots for our community in recent years: advocated for a new play area, won awards for the quality of our Gardens (see Green Flag above), planted and maintained the colourful and thriving bushes and flowers in the new Long Border, and brought users' issues and concerns to the attention of the authorities.
The Flag Poster is below - please forward to anyone you think might be interested!
